For tax purposes, your 2024 giving statement is now available.
We recently changed systems and now have a new way of issuing statements – online! Below are instructions on how to login and view your statement.
1. Click on this link - 2. Your email address is already registered on the Online Giving platform. If you have never used the Online Giving platform, do not create a new account. Instead, use the “forgot your password” option to receive an email that will help you set up a password. You must use the same email through which you are reading this message. If you regularly use the Online Giving platform and already know your password, go ahead and log in as usual.
3. Once you have set your password, login to Online Giving.
4. Click on the “Your Account” drop-down menu in the very top right of the webpage. In that menu, click “Donation History.”
5. In the Donation History page, click on another drop-down menu near the top right titled “Select Statement.” Click on “2024 giving statement.”
6. This will automatically open a print window. Feel free to print this document for your records or scroll to simply view all pages.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 615-791-8319.