Day 10: God speaks through the bible

Hebrews 4:12
“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (NASB)

Listen to what Mark Batterson said, in his book Whisper, about how Hebrews 4:12 happens when we read the Bible:

 “We don’t just read the Bible; the Bible reads us. The Spirit who inspired the ancient writers as they wrote is the same Spirit who inspires modern-day readers as they read. The Holy Spirit is on both sides of the equation. The apostle Paul described Scripture as “God-breathed.” When we read Scripture, we’re inhaling what the Holy Spirit exhaled thousands of years ago. We’re hearing the whisper of God in breath tones.”

 The Bible is more than just a collection of ancient writings. It’s the living, and active, soul and spirit impacting, life changing word of God. The Bible fascinates me! I agree with Batterson when he said this too,  “It’s written by over 40 writers, over 15 centuries in 3 languages on 3 continents. Those authors range from farmers and fishermen to kings to poets, prophets, and prisoners of war. It covers nearly every subject matter under the sun: the law and history, poetry and prophecy, cosmology and theology. Yet despite the fact that it touches on hundreds of controversial topics, it doesn’t contradict itself. In fact, it reads like one book from start to finish. And that’s because there is one Author, the Spirit of God.”

 And because God speaks to you through His Word, YOU NEED TO READ IT!

  • Do you have a daily plan for reading the Bible? If not, talk with God about starting a plan when you complete these 21 days. YouVersion has lots of great plans!
  • Lord, who do we both know that needs the hope the Bible gives us? Give me a verse to text them today. (If they live near, invite them to ATM!)
  • Several of our church members recently returned from Cambodia and we are taking another trip there next year. Father, do You want me to consider going on a mission trip? Maybe even to Cambodia? What do You want me to pray over the people who will be traveling there in 2025? You can see the details here.