Day 14: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude if you want to hear God

Romans 1:21
“For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile, and their foolish hearts were darkened.”

We’ve focused this week on what it means to hear God’s voice. I hope that you’ve grown in your ability to hear God speak to you in ways that you can understand.

If you go through life always looking at your glass half empty, you will miss the voice of God.

When you get too busy, too burdened, too full of pride to thank God for His faithfulness and love, you will find it hard to hear his voice. Make it a practice starting today to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

God made us to receive because He is a GIVER.

When we learn to receive humbly, and graciously, we will be able to hear His voice, see His work, and even participate with Him in bringing His kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. You will be amazed at how much God has to say when you keep the lines of communication between you and Him open through your grateful spirit.

  • Lord, open my mind and heart to the many ways You care for me so that I can thank You for them.
  • I’ve discovered that when I put my mind to it, no matter how bad things might seem to be, there is always something that proves God’s watching out for me. What is your something today?
  • TSC is a special place. What are you most thankful for at church? Is it someone? A ministry? A group? Let somebody know that you thanked God for them today.
  • TSC is venturing into Egypt! Imagine traveling to the actual land where Moses was born. Check out the information about our upcoming trip to Egypt and ask God what role He has for you in it.