Day 28: fresh vision

For every person who had a glimpse of God’s glory, they walked away both changed by the experience, and ready to serve Him well. Perhaps we miss much of God and His direction in our lives because we spend so little time with Him.

Hebrews 4:16–Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.

PRAY:   Father, forgive us for not talking to you at all. Forgive our prayerlessness that is the biggest affront to Your omniscience. You have all the answers to all our problems. You know what we need to know and You invite us to draw near; to sit with you awhile where we can know what you know; only we are so full of ourselves that we ignore Your plea and treat the gift of Your “open door policy” with disdain. We live as if it doesn’t matter that You shed the precious blood of Your only begotten Son to pave the way for us to enter in.

  Forgive us, Lord!

  You who are all knowing, and all powerful; You who are present everywhere, all the time; You who know best how to bear fruit in us that will bring You glory; You Lord!

  And we bumble about as if we are complete without you! Forgive us, Lord. We repent. We determine right now that we will pray. We will pray with one another. We will pray for our staff, we will pray with our leaders, we will pray with our families, our church will be a house of prayer! We will acknowledge You, we will depend on You, we will make prayer priority.