day 30: living water
Have you ever been thirsty? I mean…like tongue parched, head-aching, thought-you-were-dying thirsty? Thirst is perhaps one of the best physical sensations to express deep spiritual need. The Samaritan woman in John 4 was desperately thirsty, and Jesus knew it. When He offered her “living water”, He knew that was exactly what she longed for.
John 4:13–Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks from this water will get thirsty again. But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again. In fact, the water I will give him will become a well of water springing up in him for eternal life.”
PRAY: Are you thirsty today? Do you long for a fresh soul-quenching drink of the living water Jesus is offering to the Samaritan woman? If so, sit at the well with Him for a bit and let Him fill you with the peace that only He can give.
John 4:13–Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks from this water will get thirsty again. But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again. In fact, the water I will give him will become a well of water springing up in him for eternal life.”
PRAY: Are you thirsty today? Do you long for a fresh soul-quenching drink of the living water Jesus is offering to the Samaritan woman? If so, sit at the well with Him for a bit and let Him fill you with the peace that only He can give.