Fasting: What is it, why we practice it, how we do it

In Ron Dunn’s book Don’t Just Stand There, Pray Something he tells us that the devil discovered a long
time ago that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. He goes on to say that in the Bible we
can see a “pronounced relationship between a person’s spiritual status and his physical appetite” (pp.

Dunn goes on to provide several examples to support his statement. People like Eve, Jacob and Esau,
and the Israelites in the wilderness, give examples of those whose physical appetites robbed them of
spiritual blessings. And then Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Jesus, and the church in Acts provide
examples of those whose practice of fasting released spiritual blessing in their lives. With Scripture proof
to support him, Dunn then gives this definition of fasting:

Fasting is the voluntary abstinence of satisfaction from certain physical appetites for
spiritual reasons.

We are spiritual beings housed in physical bodies. One day we’ll be separated from our earth suits and
receive new bodies that are not as contrary to our spiritual well-being. But for now, our spiritual selves
are knit together with our physical selves. This connectivity can work for us or against us. If, through
discipline and desire, we choose to “whip our bodies into shape” we can cooperate with the Spirit of
God to give our spiritual selves authority to rule over our physical selves. But if, by laziness and lack of
desire, we neglect the discipline it takes to rule over our physical selves, our never-satisfied physical
appetites will quench the Spirit of God and stifle our spiritual well-being.
(You might want to re-read that paragraph.) Here’s my definition of fasting:

Fasting is a way to jump start the development of discipline that allows you to connect
with God by disconnecting with the world.

For a designated time, abstain from the things of this world that give you the most physical satisfaction.
Replace these things with an eagerness to hear the voice of God through Bible study and prayer.

When those hunger pains start shouting, say “NO!” to their demands and “YES!” to the divine invitation
from God to live (for a bit) unfettered to this world. Fasting is incredibly powerful, and God promises to
reward us when we practice this spiritual discipline. (Matthew 6:18)

When you fast together for a specific time with others, you are participating in the invitation Joel
declared when he wrote,

“Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in the
land to the house of the Lord your God and cry out to the Lord.” Joel 1:14.