Awaken your potential

In this 6-week journey we'll explore how to break free from limitations, embrace our God-given identity, and awaken the incredible potential within us to make a difference in our world. We'll dive deep into the powerful truths of Ephesians and journey together into the divine purpose and extraordinary future God has of us.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
Ephesians 3:20


Sunday Gatherings

Gather with the TSC family at 9:30 or 11 each Sunday to connect with Jesus and dive into powerful preaching from Ephesians .

Life Groups

Transformation happens in community. Every Life Group will be discussing the messages together each week. 

Daily Devotionals

The greatest indicator of spiritual growth is personal time in God's Word. We will be providing daily devotionals for each week of the campaign. 

"Between Sundays" Podcast

CAMPAIGN overview

Week 1 - Ephesians 1: What We Find in Jesus
Week 2 - Ephesians 2: I'll Never Be the Same
Week 3 - Ephesians 3: There is More!
Week 4 - Ephesians 4: What Should The Church Look Like? 
Week 5 - Ephesians 5: I'm Living in the Light
Week 6 - Ephesians 6: The Armor of God


Q: What's a campaign?
A: There's power in focus. Light focused into a laser can cut through solid steel. A campaign is a period of time where we come into focus as a church, where we align what God is doing in us across the Sunday experience, Life Groups, and our personal time with God.

Q: How do I get the daily devotionals?
A: You'll find them right here on this page beginning August 11.

Q: What if I jump into a group and I don't like it?
A: That's totally ok! Not every person has chemistry with every leader. If one group is not for you, try another one! If you need us, we're here to help!

Q: When/where do the groups meet?
A: Some groups meet on campus during service times, others meet on Sunday night or Wednesday night. Some are in homes, offices,  and coffee shops. Visit to find the group that's right for you.

Q: What if I miss a week, will I feel left out when I get back?
A: Not at all. Just jump back in and join in!