Read John 1:1-14. 
Key verse: But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12 (NLT)
Use your highlighter to highlight today’s key verse in your Bible.

Pray this Prayer: 
Lord, I want to understand what You are telling me in Your Word. Please speak to me now. I promise to accept what You reveal as truth.


Who you are is often linked to what you do, what you like, or where you’re from.

“I’m a Vols fan!” or, “I live in Spring Hill and work at Heritage Elementary School,” you might say when someone asks you about yourself.

In God’s eyes, before you trusted Jesus and accepted Him as your Savior and LORD, you were not defined by what you did, but you were limited. Because you had been born with a sin nature in a sin-stained world, your own sins separated you from God.
The Bible tells us the truth and in Romans 3:23 we read this:
“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
In the eyes of God, you were a sinner in need of a Savior. But that didn’t stop God from loving you. So, He sent Jesus to be the Savior who released you from sin’s grip and bridged the gap sin created between you and God.
But just as John’s gospel said, Jesus’ life brought light into the darkness and when you learned the truth about Him you believed He paid sin’s price and you received His gift of forgiveness and eternal life. (Look again at John 1:4-5.)
Now you are no longer a sinner in the eyes of God. You are now a child of God. (That’s what you highlighted in verse 12.)
Pay close attention to what I’m about to say:

As a Jesus-following 
believer you are not in 
the process of 
becoming a child of God. 
you are His child already. 
You are in the 
process of becoming 
more like Him

Thank You Father for adopting me into Your family. I’m eager to learn all that this means.

Now be still and listen.
Record anything you hear God saying to you.