Read John 15:1-17.
Key verse: You didn’t choose me, I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. John 15:16 (NLT)

Use your highlighter to highlight today’s key verse in your Bible.
Pray this Prayer:
Lord, I believe that You have work for me to do. Thank You for choosing me to do good work that will remain forever. These promises are hard for me to believe but I am willing to keep on growing so that I can understand. Help me to understand. 

DAY 10

One of the most exciting truths about your new life in Christ is that He’s got plans for you! They are plans to “produce lasting fruit.”

What is lasting fruit?
It’s the things that matter most in this life and in the life to come.

Lasting fruit are those things that exemplify the characteristics of God. They are the wonderful expressions of His love.

Turn in your Bible to Galatians 5:22-23.

Highlight those verses in your Bible.

They list the “fruit of the Spirit.” Those characteristics will start showing up in you as you yield to the filling of the Holy Spirit and as you abide in Christ.

We’ve already talked a bit about what is meant by being filled with the Spirit. Let’s talk a minute about abiding in Christ.

Besides highlighting John 15:16 in today’s Bible reading, flip back over to John 15 and highlight verses 4-5.

Abiding in Christ is understanding that your very existence…the breath in your lungs…is there because God gave it to you. It’s taking time to think about the fact that your mind functions, your legs move, your heart is stirred best when you are in Christ.

Abiding in Christ is the daily decision to open your Bible and read the Scripture with a ready invitation for the Holy Spirit to show you what needs to change in your attitudes and your actions…

…then changing whatever He says to change.

Abiding in Christ is getting from God what you might have been accustomed to getting from the world.

Instead of going after pleasure and living for your own benefit, offer yourself…your talents…your interests…your experiences…to God for the good of others.
There’s so much more to this concept of understanding that God’s got plans for your life. You’ll learn more in small groups, in worship, and as you interact with other Christians.
What does "abiding in Christ" mean to you?

Lord, I’m beginning to understand that it’s more about You than it is about me. Not only do You live in me, but You want me to live in You. I’m eager to understand this. Please show me more.

Be still and listen.
Record anything you hear God saying to you.