RE-Read John 4:1-26.
Key verses: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24 (NIV)

Read your highlighted verse aloud.
Pray this Prayer:
Lord, I love You and want to learn how to grow in my experience of intimacy with you. I believe that You are worthy of worship, and I want to learn to worship You in Spirit and in truth. Please teach me. 


If you have a dog, you have a perfect illustration of worship.

When your dog runs to you, wagging his tail and eager to lavish his slobbery love all over you—he is expressing genuine worship. Your dog is responding to you. He is showing you how much he loves you with everything he’s got.
If you have small children in your life you might also have a great experience of worship. Small children find great comfort and joy in gazing into your face and snuggling in your lap. Their entire demeanor can be calmed simply by your presence. This is a pure expression of worship.

You were made to worship.
You were made to worship with other believers and Christ–followers.

We call this corporate worship.
When you attend a worship service, and you sing and jump and dance and enjoy the music, you are worshiping. If the object of your singing, jumping and dancing is Jesus—then you are engaging in an experience you were made for.

You were also made to worship one on one with God.
When you get some time alone and sit still, or take a walk, or a run, or ride a bike, or swim—or weed, or cut the grass, or anything else that engages you in motion that doesn’t take a lot of concentration…you can train your brain to focus your thoughts on God.

You might listen to praise music and notice the words, or simply ponder the wonder of the world, or of the good gifts only God can give (things like air and water and food and people who love you).
Worship will fill your spirit with joy. Worship will wipe away your pain and renew hope deep inside. Worship might get messy—as you release yourself to experience the presence of God through worship, you might cry.

You might also cry out as you are convicted of sin that has hindered your relationship with God.
I know people who have cried through entire worship services because that was their worshipful response to experiencing the presence of God.

Just know today that you were made to worship.
Practice worshiping alone and with others.

Begin to listen to worship music.
Go off by yourself and invite God to allow you to experience Him as you pour out your love through words and motions and maybe even sounds you can’t quite understand.
He loves this! He knows you better than you know Him, and He will teach you how to experience Him in deeply intimate ways as you continue in this adventure of life with Him.

Spend a few minutes worshiping God.

Lord, You are good, and I love You. I see the sky, and the clouds, the grass and the trees (name whatever else you see), and I acknowledge that You are the source of all of it! I am amazed at how You created these things and then made it all work together—how we breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide while the plants breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen! You do all things well! I look forward to learning more, and loving more, and worshiping you more. Thank You for giving us this ability to worship You!

Be still and listen.
Record anything you hear God saying to you.