Read John 14:15-27. 
Key verse: “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26 (NIV)

Use your highlighter to highlight today’s key verse in your Bible.
Pray this Prayer: 
Father, I want to be filled with Your Spirit. I want to get to know You and hear Your voice. I want to experience the way You work in me and through me. I am so grateful that You know the best way for me to know You, and that You are teaching me even now.
As you read these verses, what do you learn about the Holy Spirit?

- He is my advocate.
- He’s here to help me…and to be with me forever.
- He is the Spirit of Truth.
- The world can’t know him.
- But I know him because...he lives in me and is with me.
- He binds us all together: Jesus and God, God and me, Jesus and God and me.
- Obedience to Jesus’ teaching impacts my experiential knowledge of His Holy Spirit.
- He will teach me all things.
- He will remind me of everything Jesus said.

The Holy Spirit is the Person of Jesus living in you. When you asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins and come into your heart, this is Who came in.

Neil Anderson says this, “The presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers is what sets them apart from the rest of humanity. A Christian is simply one in whom Christ dwells.” (p. 142 in Your Foundation in Christ)

I know this sounds a bit strange, but you most likely felt this already. When you invited Jesus into your life, you immediately knew (not sure how you knew, you just DID know) that something happened on the inside of you.

Try to put in words how you knew Jesus came into your life.

Lord, I know that You have filled me with Your Spirit. I want to learn how to yield my life to Your control and how to re-orient my way of thinking to Your way of thinking. Thank You for showing me the way.

Be still and listen.
Record anything you hear God saying to you.