RE-Read John 1:35-51.
Key verse: “Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you.” John 14:16 (CEV)
Use your highlighter to highlight today’s key verse in your Bible.
Pray this Prayer:
Father, thank You for the gift of Your presence in me through Your Spirit. I want to understand this more and more. I don’t want to miss any of what You have for me. Speak to me now in this time together.


The key to continuing in this amazing, out-of-the-darkness-and-into-the-light living is to understand how to do what John the Baptist did.

John was Jesus’ cousin. His mom was Elizabeth and Mary went to stay with Elizabeth (because she was pregnant outside of marriage—even more taboo in that day!). As soon as Mary greeted Elizabeth, John turned a somersault in his mother’s womb at the excitement of being in the presence of God!
How cool is that?! Even a baby in the womb of his mother could respond (like womb worship) to the presence of God!

Later on, John served as the guy who helped prepare the people to recognize Jesus. He even baptized Jesus. And when asked about his ministry, John said,
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30 (ESV)

As you grow in your relationship with God, you will learn to do the same.
It’s simple really—you have a ready companion, the real Person of God living in you available all the time to interact with, to talk with, to do life with—and every time He encourages you to do anything that will make you a bit more like Him—just do it.

You already did when you were baptized.

And you’re doing it now when you’re reading this.

You’ve got this!
Keep doing what you’re doing, and you will experience more and more of the life God has in store for you! Thank God for His presence and invite Him to increase as you decrease

Thank You LORD for Your presence. I want more of You and less of me.

Be still and listen.
Record anything you hear God saying to you.