Requirements/Steps for Safety Team Members

Step 1: Apply
1.Complete a background check authorization form.
2.Complete a team application (link below).
3.Obtain/Present a Tennessee Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit (TEHCP – includes classroom training. Online version does not count.)
(Or Retired Law Enforcement Permit)
**If you do not have the TEHCP (online permit does not count), please contact
Dawn Bradley –
Agape Tactical, LLC
4.Complete Tactical Pistol 1 from Agape Tactical and submit certificate of completion.
5.Once documentation is received, applicant will be assigned to a team and be contacted by the Team Leader.
6.Those who have not completed steps 3 and 4 may serve on the team as “Eyes and Ears” only (unarmed) until all steps have been completed.

Step 2: Serve
1.Each person is assigned to a Team. Each Team serves one full Sunday per month on a specific week of the month. Team 1 serves week one, Team 2 serves week two, etc.
2.Report to serve on scheduled days punctually and prepared with appropriate gear, including concealed pistol, radio, and any other gear issued by team.
3.Regular participation is expected. Excessive absenteeism will be addressed by the Team Leader.
4.Each person must find their own substitute from a different team when absent and communicate changes with your Team Leader. Try to substitute for others, when possible, to help us have complete teams.
5.Commit to serving at a minimum of one special event per year. (VBS, Fall Festival, Christmas Eve service, etc.)
6.Be an active participant at TSC. Attend worship regularly when not serving and continue to seek spiritual growth through worshiping, connecting, and serving at TSC.

Step 3: Train
1.Attend a minimum of 4 team trainings per year. A schedule will be provided at the beginning of each calendar year so that each team member can plan ahead.
2.Pass the annual FBI Qualifier with your carry handgun. The qualifier is administered by team trainers and must be passed one time each calendar year.
3.Complete a Tactical Pistol 2 class with Agape Tactical and submit certificate of completion within 18 months of joining the Team.
4.Practice/train with your firearm regularly (dry-fire, simulated, personal range time, etc.)
5.Communicate regularly with your Team Leader and teammates.

[note: Team members are required to possess exemplary character, clear commitment, a certain disposition, and specific skills. TSC leadership/staff, Safety Team leaders, & Team trainers, reserve the right to deny or revoke Team membership for any reason, with or without cause or explanation at their discretion.]