Day 4: Don't Stop Praying

Ephesians 6:18-20

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

Pray for others as Jesus prayed for you

Devotional on Prayer: Ephesians 6:18-20

A Call to Unceasing Prayer

Have you ever had one of those nights that you just can’t turn your brain off.  You’re either thinking about what you did today and didn’t finish or what you have to get done tomorrow.  When I have trouble falling asleep, I remember a piece of advice a friend once gave me: "When you can't sleep, pray." So, in the quiet of the night, I begin to pray—first for myself, for my family, then for others. As I pray, peace slowly replaces the anxiety.  I don’t know how many times I have fallen asleep before I say Amen.  It’s nice to know the last thing I did that day was talk to my Father in heaven.

Those experiences remind me of the words in Ephesians 6:18-20, where Paul urges us to "pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests." Prayer isn't just for moments of crisis or the times when we're gathered in church or before we eat—it's a constant conversation with God, a source of strength for every situation we face.
In these verses, Paul emphasizes three key elements of prayer:

1. Pray constantly: Prayer should be a regular part of our lives, not just an emergency response. Whether it's in moments of joy, fear, or confusion, we are called to bring everything before God, trusting that He hears us.
2. Pray for others: Paul asks for prayers not just for himself but for "all the Lord's people." Prayer is a powerful way to support and uplift one another in the body of Christ. When we pray for others, we join in God's work in their lives.
3. Pray for boldness in the gospel: Paul, even in chains, seeks boldness to proclaim the gospel. Our prayers should also include asking for courage to share the love of Christ with the world around us, no matter our circumstances.

Did you know Thompson Station Church is a prayer-powered church?  If you go here, you can see all of our prayer-focused ministries.  If you are in need of a prayer, you can submit a prayer request at our website, or you can visit our Prayer Clinic.  Thompson Station Church believes that God hears and answers us when we pray.  There’s nothing that our God can’t do!

• When was the last time you spent time in prayer with God?  Take some time today to have a little talk with Jesus.  
• Who around you needs prayer?  Lift up their names to God today, and then check on them to see how they’re doing.
• Pray: Lord, thank You for prayer and the ability to speak to You about our problems and our praises.  Thank You for everything You do for us and believers around the world.

Read John 17.  In this passage, Jesus prays three prayers.  He prays to be glorified in verses 1-5.  He then prays for His disciples in verses 6-19, and then He prays for all believers in verses 20-25.  Before you were born, Jesus was praying for you.  Meditate on Jesus’ prayers today and learn how you can model those prayers in your own prayer life.